Do It!
How do we satisfy our basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter and go on to pursue the things and experiences we love and desire?
Abundance in our lives is a common desire. There are so many ways to experience abundance, and those are covered on the other pages on Express Yourself.
How we create abundance, and a feeling of abundance, is a choice.
Make a Good Living…
You’ve imagined what you want and chosen your direction… Now take the steps you’ve laid out in your Plan!
My story… My early path to self sufficiency, and then to supporting my family was the tried and true classroom teaching profession. 35 years of it. I really needed that sure thing (and I loved being an educator, the kids, the learning). Along the way I wanted to try another way, and was fascinated with the idea of an online endeavour. I took some time to learn how. Although I acquired skills, a couple of pathways, I only made a few dollars from an online book I created. My career and life itself demanded all my time and attention.
This is my fourth drop into this make money online purpose. The first three times I aquired skills and experiences that are useful to me now. And I’m back to find more, refine more… I have created websites on Site Build It, Wordress, Weebly, WiX, Jimdo, and Smugmug. I still have websites on the last three. And now I am working here with Squarespace, enjoying both the familiarity with elements I’ve run into before, and the novelty of how this website builder works.
I have created Social Media accounts for my different websites - on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. I have used Flickr and Tumblr. I used Twitter for a while, and created an account on Tictoc, for amusement and distraction, following passions both fun and informative. I have accounts on YouTube. And I’m learning the ins and outs on LinkedIn.
I’ve used resources like Namecheap, AWeber, Google Ads, Amazon Affiliates, Clickbank, Canva, Smugmug, and stock photo sources. I have taken courses, listened to podcasts, joined workshops and talked to knowledgable people.
"The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time".
To get rich, you have to be making money while you sleep. David Bailey
Great idea, but how can we achieve that goal?
What interferes with making good money. What holds us back?
Goals created, plans in place, and in action, but…feel thwarted. Why?
Whenever you are feeling less than good, if you will stop and say,
“Nothing is more important than that I feel good—I want to find a reason now to feel good.”,
you will find an improved thought.
Anytime you feel negative emotion, you are in the mode of resisting something that you want, and that resistance takes its toll on you. It takes its toll on your physical body, and it takes its toll on the amount of wonderful things that you are allowing to come into your experience.
Excerpted from Money and the Law of Attraction
What do you want to be when you grow up? A doctor. A lawyer. A teacher…
I’ve been immersed in YouTube videos, catching up on the latest resources for making money online. I am building my subscriptions when I run across people delivering my criteria. Some surprises…
Like Dan Koe, a young-to-me, experienced philosopher who is very successful at making money online. Dan Koe folllows a path I believe in, that each of us is our own niche. And, to use a phrase that has become a meme since last I dropped into this purpose, passion stacking is now an acknowledged path..
Resources coming. But hey, Dan…
There are more YouTubers I enjoy. And I have subscribed to them on my YouTube channel “Express Yourself Club”.
Abraham’s beliefs, thoughts, and processes in “Money and the Law of Attraction” are worth checking out!
From Amazon… “The concepts offered here relate to the topic of abundance and prosperity. They will show you that you truly need to think about what you want in your life and not what you don't want.
If you put your attention on thoughts of not having enough money, you are in the perfect position for the creating of more of that which you do not have. For example, when you think about something that you desire but then think about it not yet coming...and then you think about how much fun it will be to have it, but then remember that it costs a great deal of money and you cannot yet afford it...that back-and-forth thinking dilutes your passion and slows the power of your thoughts. That is, the way you are feeling is a signal from your Inner Being telling you that what you're thinking is not in harmony with what you want.
As Abraham says: "There is enough for everyone. The key is for each of you is to see it and want it - and then you will attract it. Know that you have the power to bring into your life whatever you desire. Affirm that money flows to you easily and that you have an unlimited supply of abundance and prosperity".
Abundance 〰️
“Money grows on the tree of persistence”
Japanese Proverb
Every worthwhile book, video, and podcast on moving ahead with success talks about persistance as being esssential. Add it to inspiration, passion, planning, and intention.
Take action and be persistent!
Making money is a happiness. And that's a great incentive.
Making other people happy is a super-happiness. Muhammad Yunus