Choose It!

Choose Your Life…

You get to create your life, most parts of it. And you can choose how to handle the other parts.

So, what we want are the best ways to choose the life we want, and make the changes we need to accomplish that life.

Here on Express Yourself, I am gathering great ways to help you figure out what kind of life you want and how to make the changes to accomplish those choices. We can do it! You can do it…

Choice is powerful…

You know the life you want and are looking for how to get to it.

Or you are searching for your path, not sure yet what life you will choose.

In either case, there’s some work to do… Let’s get busy!

A very good career choice would be to gravitate toward those activities and to embrace those desires that harmonize with your core intentions, which are freedom and growth—and joy. Make a “career” of living a happy life rather than trying to find work that will produce enough income that you can do things with your money that will then make you happy. When feeling happy is of paramount importance to you—and what you do “for a living” makes you happy—you have found the best of all combinations.

Excerpted from Money and the Law of Attraction

Choose…to be the change

Books, Google, YouTube, Pinterest

and people!

Adam Alter! I listened to a great interview on the YouTube Channel, “Diary of a CEO”. The author of “Anatomy of a Breakthrough”, Adam Alter, spoke for over an hour discussing his fascinating and useful thoughts and experiences on this idea of choosing your life.

Especially focused on “stuckness”…

Amazon description: Alter's own story of breaking away from a college degree that made him deeply unhappy. Artfully weaving together scientific studies, anecdotes, and interviews, Anatomy of a Breakthrough will inspire you to boldly break away from the things holding you back, and to realise your goals.

Choose books to make choices and changes in your life…

Of course I turn to books, for inspiration or how to make a change. I was brought up reading everything, from stories to books full of ideas.

At 16, that love and faith in books led to the opening of a family book store that was open for years. I hunted down bookshops in every town I traveled to, hung out in, and worked in, libraries and bookstores.

It was an easy transition for me, to the internet, to finding the hundreds of websites focused on any interest I had, to googling any pursuit. And I constantly now use Youtube and Pinterest to gather ideas, understanding, and knowledge.

Books to read!

The Magic of Thinking Big

Think and dream creatively! Use goals to help you grow! Believe you can succeed and you will!

Amazon description: Achieve financial advancement, work promotions, a positive outlook on life, fulfilling relationships, and lasting happiness. Aim high, and think Big, and you will not only reach but surpass your goals, you will be a happier, bigger person with a bigger life.

Productivity! The best…

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

This phenomenally successful book describes the importance of your life’s overview. Thinking of where you want to get to. And how to organize your life to get there… Lots of astonishingly effective processes. David Allen has a huge following, for good reason.

Amazon descrption of the book: Since it was first published more than 15 years ago, David Allen's Getting Things Done has become one of the most influential business books of its era and the ultimate book on personal organization. "GTD" is now shorthand for an entire way of approaching professional and personal tasks and has spawned an entire culture of websites, organizational tools, seminars, and offshoots. Allen has rewritten the book from start to finish, tweaking his classic text with important perspectives on the new workplace and adding material that will make the book fresh and relevant for years to come. This new edition of Getting Things Done will be welcomed not only by its hundreds of thousands of existing fans but also by a whole new generation eager to adopt its proven principles.

Got kids? Any age… One of the best books I’ve come across. Hands down…

Smart Love: The Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Regulating and Enjoying Your Child

Amazon description: Smart Love is a caring and patient approach to parenting created and tested by the husband-and-wife team of Dr. Martha Heineman Pieper and Dr. William J. Pieper…. Smart Love enables parents to understand the world through the eyes of their child at each stage of development. To Smart Love is to cultivate children s inner happiness while managing their behavior in age-appropriate ways, which ensures that children will grow up well behaved, responsible, self-confident, and able to reach their full potentials.

For more ideas and books for kids, visit Express Yourself Kids

I want to read this book! Have you?

I love books and info that help me understand our human nature. What shows who we are…

Focusing, a book by Eugene T Gendlin, Ph.D.

A pivotal book offering a simple thought process for discovering your deepest motivations for or against your progress in any area of your life. Insightful and useful!

Amazon description: Based on groundbreaking research conducted at the University of Chicago, the focusing technique has gained widespread popularity and scholarly acclaim. It consists of six easy-to-master steps that identify and change the way thoughts and emotions are held within the body. Focusing can be done virtually anywhere, at any time, and an entire “session” can take no longer than ten minutes, but its effects can be felt immediately–in the relief of bodily tension and psychological stress, as well as in dramatic shifts in understanding and insight.