MEMEPLEX.Shop… Where your dreams come true.
Stocked with possibility.
And you use your own abilities- logical, intuitive, trusting and hopeful- to choose what you imagine will offer you the best bang for your buck.
So, you will find resources here you can pick up for a buck, and may be the exact thing you need to get you to the next step.
For now, the resources available will seem random, and sorted only into broad categories.
My intention is to gradually add items that will match up to our main menu topics. Like “Plan It” and “Be Well”. (Where there will be a category of resources for “ADHD”, but I’m getting to that. In a roundabout way. Eventually.)
First on the shelf…My own books! Affirmations on coloring pages, for kids. If you buy, and like it, please leave me a good review.
Good Vibes Talk Series (2 already! Heads up, the 25 affirmations have AI illustrations. And I’m just learning. Just saying. Until I get better pay the extra buck for “well intentioned”.)
And Freebies! Of course. Just wait while I go find some. Or create some.
Some tidbit of wisdom that can change your life!
Like “Do Ten Things”! Such a good one. So productive!
Or “What’s the Least I Can Do”. Always a favorite.
These two my own habits I like to pass along.….
Get shopping! For the best resources to change your life!
Check back while I fill the shelves with practical and magical processes and things that will bring you joy, and motivate you to new heights! (Wow, I’m excited myself!)
ATM you will find a few resources scattered on the EY pages, like David’s Getting Things Done. And Carol’s The Child Whisperer. (I’ll post her adult version soon. Find out your “type” Fun!)
Why MEME? Mine. One of my favorite concepts. And the basis for my Yano Howarth business since 2009, when I came up with Meme Dreams and snapped up Of course I’ve had offers for that domain. But it would have to be as significant as a big lottery win to give it up. I like it.