Meme Dreams…
An inspired thought, that creates a good vibration, spreads....
That’s my dream…
What is a meme?
“Meme” is a Greek verb meaning to keep in mind, to remember, although it is also said that “meme” comes from the Greek word mimema, meaning something imitated.
A meme is described as:
a discrete unit
any piece of information transferable from one mind to another
an idea, thought, or style that spreads from one person to another
a thought contagion
a protoplasmic change in neural tissue
”Memes are the best existing name for the fundamental units of cultural inheritance
....the fundamental biological units of culture must correspond to neural networks that function as nodes of semantic memory.”
From my notes, reading about CJ Lumsden and EO Wilson
(Great description. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.)
Common dreams are memes.
A memeplex is a group of memes.
Internet memes! “Internet memes” are growing the very nature of memes, to the point where the word itself, “meme”, is now thought, by many, to be ONLY related to social media and the internet.
“Memes have become one of the most immediate ways to communicate…” Quote off the intenet.
Well, my friends, memes have been around...forever.
Unnamed as “memes” perhaps, but memes nonetheless.
There are an infinite number of memes…ideas spreading. Ideas that have spread.
Some ideas are not good ideas to become memes!
“The survival value of intelligence is that it allows us to extinct a bad idea before the idea extincts us.” Ken Popper
(Please…extinct some ideas before they spread. The world right now is so full of…)
More on memes…
Meditation is meme pruning.
Memetics is the study of memes.
I am a Memeticist.
I have been a discrete unit, but now I am making a protoplasmic change in my neural tissue by sharing my meme dreams so that the good ideas I recognize, acknowledge, value, and love, can spread. Perhaps…
I have been collecting meme-worthy ideas for a long time... Some of my favorite insights for living have come to me out of thin air, my own “original” thoughts, as original as they can be. (I imagine original thoughts are inspired syntheses of discrete units we have acquired over our lifetimes.) But many of my meme dreams, I know, have come directly from the minds of others. Insights from without.
“By associating with wise people you will become wise yourself.”
I have my own inspired ideas! Some definitely worth spreading!
There may be strings of words, whole sentences, complete thoughts, not paraphrased, that show up here, taken from my journaling and copious notes, from observation, conversations, podcasts I’ve listened to, books I’ve read, shows I’ve watched, the internet…
Sharing unidentified good ideas...I will give credit for as many as I can.
However, I will take the credit for recognizing these as good ideas
and including them here in my Meme Dreams...
Thank you very much.
“All truly wise thoughts have been thought already, thousands of times; but to make them truly ours, we must think them over again honestly, till they take firm root in our personal experience. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
So I take this advice…
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”
Henry David Thoreau
I am committed to making the changes happen in my own life, that good ideas and experiences inspire.
Take time to imagine…that’s where it starts.
What good ideas do I imagine spreading? I am buzzing with good vibes.
Back to “About”
And just begun…MEMEPLEX.Shop where worthwhile ideas are available for pennies. Working on it…