Can Your Kids Become Young Entrepreneurs? Smart Money Managers?   Here's How...

The Business of Life

Kids and the business of life

Kids naturally know how to get what they need when they are tiny...they cry, smile, tug at you and hug you. You give them food, love, teddy bears and toys. They need to learn how to be self sufficint as they grow older. So take it a step further and help kids learn the business of life…about money, how to handle it, and how to make it. It's never too early.

Start early!

Teach your children about money…the coins and bills, what its used for, how to pay for items and receive change and how to spend, save, and give. Give them practice in having money and how to get it. Some ways:

  • give an allowance, say, a dollar for each year (5 years old=$5) weekly.

  • ask for chores to be done for the allowance

  • ask for chores to be done as a family expectation and give money for extra chores.

  • set up jar systems so kids can see what they are making.

  • help children organize their money into spending, saving, and giving jars

Whatever way you choose to handle allowances, chores, and spending-the point is to involve your children from an early age. 

Give kids the opportunity to make choices and learn how to handle money early!

We have to handle money all our lives!

Starting early means kids don't have unrealistic expectations about money. They will be knowledgeable when the time comes for them to manage their own lives, and manage their own money.

Wouldn't that be great?

Want your kids to know how to make their own money? For inspiration, and if you have older kids, check out this book…

"My Mom Is Not My Money"

This book on how to become an entrepreneur at a young age, is written by a 14 year old girl!

"Allie Joy is a teen author and budding entrepreneur."

Allie Joe is inspired...

She has crafted a useful, informative, and fun book designed to motivate other teens to be successful moneymakers.  Allie tells the story of how she began to use her own talents and turn them into money by filling the needs around her and finding ways to serve people. After lots of successes, from babysitting and tutoring, to organizing her grandma's cupboards,  Allie thought, "How can I help all kids get this information and have the power to earn their own income?"

This book, written with the support of family, friends and a winning team, is Allie's way of spreading a message of empowerment and confidence to a new generation of teens. Allie's Grandmother is Mary Morrissey, international speaker, best-selling author and coach extraordinaire. She is the creator of the Dreambuilder Program and the very successful and inspiring event, "Dreambuilder Live". Allie Joe has attended this Dreambuilder Live event and learned some wonderful to make her dreams come true.

 Allie’s book “My Mom is Not My Money” is organized into 5 parts, covering topics from coming up with money making ideas to how to use money wisely. "DREAM"…

  • D=Discover...what you are good at

  • R=Reach Out...develop relationships

  • E=Endeavor...take action

  • A=Achieve...see results

  • M=Manage...set up a money system

From the Amazon intro... “Introducing the BEST money making handbook, written BY A TEEN especially FOR TEENS! Allie Joy shows her generation how simple and fun it really is to stop asking parents for extra spending money and have the power to buy what they want when they want it! - Packed full of super fun money-making tips - Inspirational for Teens - Youth money-making success stories - Self-confidence boosters - The best tips for wise saving, spending, and sharing with a good cause.”

Want to start a business? Make a little extra money?  Be sure to read this book yourself! 

Buy Allie’s book on Amazon!
Paper back or Kindle 8-17 years

Inspire your own kids and help them make their dreams come true, and help others,

using their own skills and talents! Help kids get money savvy and even become young entrepreneurs!

More resources for young entrepreneurs!

Or for you to teach your child and teen the path to money making and money management…

I have not read the books on this Amazon page, but I would love to! Curating books and recommending them is one of my favorite things. Which would you choose? Contact me and give me feedback!

Raising Money-Smart Kids: A Parent’s Guide To Teaching Financial Literacy, Budgeting Skills, and Entrepreneurial Thinking

Check the listing! Aounds great…

Make Your Own Money: How Kids Can Earn It, Save It, Spend It and Dream Big. with Danny Dollar, the King of Cha-Ching

With Cartoons, graphics, and worksheets!

Money Skills for Kids

This seriesalso has a book focusing on teens. I like the look of it inside!

Make Your Kid a Money Genius (even if you’re not)

Frpm Amamzon: “The New York Times bestseller that is a must-read for any parent!
From Beth Kobliner, the author of the bestselling personal finance bible Get a Financial Life—a new, must-have guide showing parents how to teach their children (from toddlers to young adults) to manage money in a smart way.

Many of us think we can have the “money talk” when our kids are old enough to get it…which won’t be for years, right? But get this: Research shows that even preschoolers can understand basic money concepts, and a study from Cambridge University confirmed that basic money habits are formed by the age of seven. Oh, and research shows the number one influence on kids’ financial behaviors is mom and dad. Clearly, we can’t afford to wait.

(From Amazon Contd) Make Your Kid a Money Genius (Even If You’re Not) is a jargon-free, step-by-step guide to help parents of all income levels teach their kids—from ages three to twenty-three—about money. It turns out the key to raising a money genius isn’t to teach that four quarters equal a dollar or how to pick a stock. Instead, it’s about instilling values that have been proven to make people successful—not just financially, but in life: delaying gratification, working hard, living within your means, getting a good education, and acting generously toward others. More specifically, you’ll learn why allowance isn’t the Holy Grail when teaching your kid to handle money, and why after-school jobs aren’t always the answer either. You’ll discover the right age to give your kid a credit card, and learn why doling out a wad of cash can actually be a good parenting move.

You don’t need to be a money genius to make your kid a money genius. Regardless of your comfort level with finance—or your family’s income—this charming and fun book is an essential guide for passing along enduring financial principles, making your kids wise beyond their years—and peers—when it comes to money.

Money Fun!

There are lots of books to get tips from. And lots of money-related things you can gather to engage kids with activities! From stories and worksheets to games and “toys”.

Use play money! Until it’s time for the real thing!

Financial freedom is available to those who learn about it and work for it.

Robert Kiyosaki