Express Yourself Kids Blog

Kids. Our responsibility. A precious resource.

All kids. Each child. From conception until physical growth is complete, emotional growth has happened, and the brain cells are done developing.

In other words… children forever. We are never done. Our children are always ours.

There are stages, developmental stages…so our interaction and responsiblity is always changing.

Each of us, whether we have children or not, are part of the global interconnectedness that impacts the lives of children everywhere.

That interconnectedness impacted us, when we were children. Just as our immediate environment, and our family impacted us. The idea of each of us carrying still the inner child we were, and are, is looked after on all the other pages here on Express Yourself.

Here on Express Yourself Kids, we will address the periods of time, especially, from conception to the legal age of adulthood , usually about 18 years. And the distinctions of developmental periods… like prenatal, birth to toddler, 3-7 years, 8-12 years, and 13-18 years. And when we talk about love, guidance, acceptance, we are inclusive of all these ages and stages. Things we need at all ages are especially impactful in childhood.

As a mother of three grown children, an educator and teacher for over 40 years, as a reader and researcher, I have been immersed in childhood and all its manifestations all my life. I am full of good ideas about childhood, having lived it, loved it, practiced it guided it, and learned from the mistakes I made all along the way. And still. Children they let you know where you went wrong, and what you could have done better.

My hope here on Express Yourself Kids, is that I can offer up a good idea or two, that are worthwhile for you. In your own life with children, your own, others’, and contribute to the loving interconnectedness that each child hopefully experiences on their journey to adulthood.

Get in touch, with your own experiences of childhood, of parenting, grandparenting, teaching, counselling, or if you have a question or comment…

Let’s love our children, guide and encourage them, to the best of our ability. And to hone our own abilities to be a better person for our children, spend time on Express Yourself

children sitting together, childhood


Yano Howarth

Express yourself! I am a creator, an educator, a curator. I love to discover and share ways to express who we are, for fun, for our health, success, and authenticity.

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