Linking up on LinkedIn

I am linking up on LinkedIn. I have spent the last three days immersed in the LinkedIn universe. Watching videos, reading posts about it, changing up my Profile, my photo, adding skills, and my latest Self Employed action. This endeavour, Express Yourself, is padding out to the social medias that fit. Not TikTok yet- I just scroll there for good stuff. Not YouTube yet- I use that to learn from so far, on my Express Yourself Club account (and background ambience on my Meme Dreams Music Favs account). But after spending some time looking after my Pinterest and Facebook accounts. I jumped into the immersive experience of LinkedIn. Check out the possibilities…

Holy wow. The first day learning how LinkedIn works and updating my Profile. The second day scrolling, and deepdiving a wide variety of people, groups, and pages…liking, commenting, Following, and reposting. And wondering how the heck I’m going to up my numbers from 35 Connections lol. (And those are from the 12 prior years of having an account on LinkedIn, but not participating. My own colleagues from my teaching career). I stayed up until midnight checking the accounts of half the “top 100 LinkedIn members”, Following the ones I like. The next morning I curated the next 50. Ending up with lots more accounts to show up on my Home feed. And show up they did.

During the day I liked, commented on and reposted several posts that appealed to me. And posted a couple of my own. I chatted with an AI artist about his process. I dropped down several rabbit holes of interest and Followed more accounts. And I noticed the pattern of my choices. Yes , my choices sure enough met the LinkedIn focuses of Education, Inspiration, and Entertainment. Some met two, or all three focuses. I showed my appreciation for accounts with good thoughts and great visuals. And were funny. To me.

That 3rd day I opened the app everytime I had the chance, getting a mini rush when I got a response to a comment, or an impression on my own posts. What? Feeling the interaction possible on LI.

By the end of that day I was overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with the repetition, the glut of words, the messiness of it all. Noticing how some of the accounts I followed were posting or reposting all day, several times. It was a lot. I know that it is recommended. The several times thing. I imagined they had people doing just that action. Getting in front…

In the evening I had to take my own minute. And I posted about it lol. My own photo of a beach in Tasmania. (Where I go once a year. Where Lani, Fin, and my grandchildren are.) Calm, expansive, restful. It was a Take a Minute moment that day I was there. And posting it gave me what I needed to finish my hectic day on LinkedIn. A calm moment to reset and feel the gratitude for all I had experienced on LinkedIn, for my interaction with all the positivity and good intentions of all the people putting out their good vibes.

I’ll figure out how to narrow my focus, handle the action. If I choose to continue. Of course I will. Right now anyway, while I am in a growth period. I’ll figure out what potential LinkedIn has for me. For Express Yourself. It certainly has “express yourself” vibes!

Pop over if you are on LinkedIn. Say hi! Connect! lol

7 Mile Beach near Hobart, Tasmania. Active grandsons just behind me. But the calm in this image! Take a minute. I did…

Yano Howarth

Express yourself! I am a creator, an educator, a curator. I love to discover and share ways to express who we are, for fun, for our health, success, and authenticity.

December Meditations…


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